Beef raised right

We’ve been in the business of better beef for decades. From our start with Laura’s Lean Beef to our climate-smart beef today, we know how to raise the healthiest cattle for a healthier planet and human race.

coming soon to retail grocers

More grass, less gas

From pioneering cattle raised without antibiotics and growth hormones to bringing together graziers who use Savory’s Holistic Management tools to increase our levels of carbon in the soil, we’ve been improving the health of our land while producing healthy, nutrient-dense climate-smart beef.

Good for the soil

We raise our cattle in a way that increases carbon in the soil, which leads to a happier microbiome — getting us closer to a stable climate and a healthier human race. 

Good for farmers

Our beef products increase farmers’ income and livelihood. And when farmers benefit, so do the rural towns and villages surrounding the farms. 

Good for YOU

We grow and raise beef products that are local, and fed non-GMO or organic grain, hay, and silage. Because the healthier choices we make on the farm, the healthier you’ll feel.

catch us in the wild.

Our products are raised, grown, and sold throughout the Ohio River Valley Region. Find us at 1 S Main in Winchester, KY; at; and in local stores selling natural medicine, distilled spirits, and healthy food.

Workin’ something fierce

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