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What is Laura's Mercantile

Led by Laura Freeman, the founder of Laura’s Lean Beef, Laura’s Mercantile is the online store for Mt. Folly Farm, one of Kentucky’s largest USDA-certified organic farms. At Laura’s Mercantile, you will find Laura’s Homestead Alternatives Full Spectrum CBD products, Laura’s Hemp Chocolates, and other award-winning regional specialties.

Laura is a well-known agricultural innovator and long-standing player in the health and wellness arena. Read more about Laura.

Why are women using CBD?

From menstrual cramps to menopause, CBD can help. A known and demonstrated anti-inflammatory compound, CBD and other cannabinoids from full-spectrum CBD have been shown to ease pain naturally.

Plant-based medicines are welcomed by many who are concerned about pharmaceuticals. Research scientists funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health are studying full-spectrums’ cannabinoids and terpenes for their known analgesic effect on neuropathic and inflammatory pain.

Because of these known and demonstrated analgesic effects, as we age, CBD can help with the discomfort of osteoarthritis, old dance or sports injuries, and general stiffness.

In addition, full-spectrum CBD also seems to be helpful for anxiety, working two ways. It interacts with brain receptors in ways which enhance serotonin, and it increases cerebral blood flow.

Again, researchers are now at work to discover the mechanisms behind these effects.

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