Beef Takeover at Butch's Grill Inside Critchfield Meats Family Market
Mt. Folly Beef is now available at Critchfield Family Market in Lexington, Kentucky! From the founder of Laura's Lean Beef, comes an exciting new venture. Farmer-owned Mt. Folly, brings you beef raised right here in the region. With no added growth-hormones, no antibiotics, and a lifetime on pasture, this beef is proven to be more nutrient-dense and less fatty than other beef on the market. When you buy from Mt. Folly, feel good knowing your beef was never confined to a feedlot. Our regenerative agriculture practices help support better soil, which in return produces better quality of beef. Taste the difference yourself! Join us Friday, March 21st for a Mt. Folly BEEF TAKEOVER at Butch's Grill inside of Critchfield. We'll be there from 10am-2pm to talk directly to shoppers about our beef. BEEF TAKEOVER at Butch's Grill inside Critchfield
March 21st
398 Southland Dr, Lexington, KY