FieldSpeak Farm Walk

Ozinskas' Place

Our next Fieldspeak Farm Walk will be at the herbalist Andrew Ozinskas' place between Owenton and Corinth, KY. Walk at 3pm with potluck and social night to follow. It's Dylan's birthday and just about Alice's and Lunar New Year so there's lots to celebrate.

Event Location
Dogwalk Rd. Corinth, KY
Event Time
January 31, 2025
3:00 pm
11:59 pm

In this spirit of building community around good food and land stewardship, we’re hosting some local meet-ups and Fieldwalks, continuing the work of our annual Heritage Food Festival at Terrapin Hill Farm throughout the year. Dylan hosted the first event at his farm in Russell County on December 12th. We had so much fun, we’ve decided to host another similar day at the property of Andrew Ozinskas in Owen County on January 31st. We’ll plan to kick off a tour of his property where he has been active an active land manager well over two decades. Andrew brings unique and diverse insights into his land stewardship from the worlds of herbalism, geology and traditional skills. It’s sure to be a memorable and insightful day that we’ll end with a potluck. Plan to be there by 3pm for the walk. Email that you're coming and we'll have a headcount and get you the address.

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Our products are raised, grown, and sold throughout the Ohio River Valley Region. Find us at 1 S Main in Winchester, KY; at; and in local stores selling natural medicine, distilled spirits, and healthy food.

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